quarta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2013


Hi, here's the blog of a crazy student trying to successfully graduate at university and learn english, chinese, french and japanese (yes, a lot of languages... I know, I know, this is really crazy, but, hey! look at this blog's name!).
First of all: I don't really speak english! Yeah, it's very hard to me just writing these few phrases, I have to think a lot before putting each word ^^; ... I'm brazilian and I'm studying this language by myself, and one of the reasons to create a blog was training my english, so... SORRY FOR ALL THE ERRORS ON THIS TEXT!!!! Well, if any person who really speaks english wants to help me correcting my mistakes, you'll receive all my gratitude (and just this, 'cause I'm poor...).
The other reason why I've decided to create this blog was to speak a bit about my fears, my tears and, why not, my joys... Nowadays, I'm feeling a little depressed with my routine, so I've thought this blog could be a way to distract myself...
My main objective will be talk about some funny/interesting things that happens through my daily journal (?) and talk about cultural  issues...
SOOOO to inaugurate this blog, I'll talk about a GREAT book that's one of my favourites: it's from the writer Italo Calvino, born in Cuba, and its original name is: Se Una Notte D'Inverno um viaggiatore (in english, is something like "If on a winter's night a traveller"). It's a fantastic story whose main character is YOU! Yes, it's you, the person reading the book! I know, this sounds weird, but... Well, this book IS weird, and mad, and crazy! So, it's perfectly fits in this blog, hehe. It's difficult to talk about the story, but, basically, the main character (that is YOU), decides to buy the new romance of Italo Calvino; however, due to a misprint, the first chapter of the book actually belongs to another romance. With the curiosity to know the continuation of this first chapter's story, you goes to the bookstore and buys the real romance to which the chapter actually belongs... Then, when you start reading the new book, you discover that this romance contains another story completely different from the previous one... And this is the way the story goes, with a succession of first chapters that never have a end (it resembles a lot "The Arabian Nights" in this aspect...) So, if you like surreal stories, you'll certainly enjoy this one!!

See you at the next post, bye bye.

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